The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Hey Penn Staters - I live in Frederick MD and work in Washington DC for the USDA where I am a Program Manager for Cooperative Marketing Associations. I love it as I get to travel across the country several times a year. I am married (Bob) and have two sons. Bobby will be entering his sophomore year at West Virginia (hurt mom when he didn't want to go to PSU) and my other son Tyler will be a junior in HS next year. He is planning on attending PSU - 1 out of 2 ain't bad! Still get up to games each year and am amazed at how much has changed. No more Army barracks, no more Fish Bowl and can't drive up Shortledge to East Halls. Library is a lot nicer now than when I was there. Stacks hasn't changed though. I do wonder if they are still showing those "movies" in the Forum on Sunday nights. I think my favorite memory at PSU is when we won our 1st football championship. We celebrate all year and into the next year. WE ARE.... DEFINITELY.... PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!